A sissy's request

My Queen,
Please allow your slut to have a ruined orgasm tonight. I am so desperate and needy after a week of chastity and spending every day with you.
I crave your touch around my tiny cock and any kind of release you will allow. I know my orgasm is of no interest or use to you, but I beg and plead that you will allow even the most pathetic type. I beg that you will let me dribble out for your amusement and my pleasure. I will of course clean up whatever mess there is however you wish.
I know that you already do so much for me, but please Mistress, please allow me a ruined orgasm tonight, I promise to be a good sissy and go straight back into chastity after.
-Your sissy slut
I'm strangely interested in the outcome of this request.
I can sympathize strongly with this sentiment having found myself in similar situations before.
At the same time... yikes... even with the best intentions in mind, in the moment this is awful :)
Although... sometimes awful is good.
Thank you for sharing.
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