HNT-The First of many!
I have come across HNT (Half-Nekkid Thursday), a semi-tradition seen here on some blogs and a very cool idea that I'm more than willing to participate in (hey, any chance to get nekkid and I'm in!)
The Guidelines
I offer these guidelines for "Half-Nekkid Thursday":
- In that North American, Puritanical way that most of my readers think, "Nekkid", or its variations, somehow insinuates sex, or its variations. WRONG!! The purpose of "Half-Nekkid Thursday" is not to see sex acts! It is the celebration of exposure. Of your big toe. Of your breastbone. Of your knuckles. Of your uvula. Whatever. Of course, sex acts can qualify, so if you want to post those.....
- "Nekkid" is not the same as nude! Again, nude qualifies, but it is not a requirement!
Pictures should be taken of you or by you. Don't be going to some internet site and downloading "Half-Nekkid" pics. And don't use Uncle Bob's pictures from Spring Break '72, either. Let's try to keep this fairly "real". - You don't necessarily have to be the subject of the picture. By the same token, if you're not, then the subject(s) should be known to you. No fair going to the beach and snapping pictures left and right. Yes, they might be "Half-Nekkid", but they don't follow the spirit of "Half-Nekkid Thursday".
- While animals can be included in a "Half-Nekkid Thursday" picture, they are not the focus, therefore cannot be the subject. If an animal is all that keeps your picture "Half-Nekkid" rather than "Full-Nekkid", that's OK.
- You are allowed a very limited number of cute-kids-in-the-tub type of pictures. We're interested in YOU!
- Use some originality with your shots. Facial shots should be limited. Artsy body landscapes, conversely, are highly encouraged. If a partner/family member is needed to take the picture, that's OK.
- Props can help you with creativity, and their use is encouraged, but not necessary.
- As we get into this, you may find that you want to post more than one picture for "Half-Nekkid Thursday". I would discourage this practice unless absolutely necessary. You should hold some pictures in reserve, in case you find yourself without a new picture down the road.
- While I can hardly control when you post pictures on your own blogs, let's try to keep "Half-Nekkid Thursday" special, and post "Half-Nekkid" pics only on Thursdays. If you feel the urge to post them more than once a week, I might recommend just emailing them out, rather than posting.
- Tattoos are certainly an acceptable subject, regardless of location. Scars are also acceptable, but please respect the others who visit "Half-Nekkid Thursday" on a regular basis. Spread out the scar pictures over a few weeks' time, please!
- Speaking of scars--If you use a picture of a scar, it must be accompanied by some sort of humorous anectdote as to how you got it. For a long, but good example, go here.
- Other skin conditions might not be acceptable, due to good taste. These include, but are not limited to warts, zits, lesions, ingrown hairs, boils, open sores, peeling skin, scabies, rashes, or any other assorted gross things. I'm not saying that you can't post them. Just use your best judgement, for the sake of the rest of us.
- When referring to "Half-Nekkid Thursday", please spell it correctly! Not Naked, not Neked, not Nakid. It's "Half-Nekkid Thursday".
- It's very important to not be dissing other's submissions! We're all going to have half-hearted entries from time to time. None of us is better than the other. One the other hand, it's completely acceptable to heap praise upon those that deserve it!
- IMPORTANT!--Remember to visit my current "HNT" post and leave a comment indicating that you've posted a picture for "Half-Nekkid Thursday". Consider my blog as the informational kiosk for "Half-Nekkid Thursday". You'll be able to see who is joining the tradition. Commenting is much easier for all concerned, rather than updating my blog each time someone posts their picture. I will try to keep the Blogroll in my sidebar updated each week.
So, as my first HNT, here's my post! Is it wrong that being half nekkid really gets me this giddy?

I decided to go with one of my best of assests =) But honestly sometimes I think they are a bit ridiculously's almost overkill. Most of all I feel like I am shaming A-cups everywhere. I mean a C-cup would be just bragging, but a DDD-cup...that's just down right cruel haha. Enjoy!
Welcome to HNT! REALLY glad you posted the guidelines--so many people get into it without knowing that they exist. But come back to my comments. You didn't leave a link in yours!
Looking forward to seeing more of you. So to speak.
Welcome! Great pic, love the corset!
Welcome to HNT! What a lovely picture and a lovely corset for a lovely Lady!
Happy HNT!
Welcome to the HNT madness - it's so much fun!
xx Dee
Thanks for the comments everyone!
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